Registration Forms

To register for the Three-Day Marriage Clinic™, Three-Day Accelerated Marriage Counseling (AMC)™, or Monthly Marriage Enrichment Group please use one of the forms below:

Online FormOnline Registration Form
PDFPrintable Registration Form

To schedule an Individual/Couples Counseling appointment, please contact us.

Register Online



Help sponsor marriage counseling services for couples who cannot afford it; or make a donation to help fund other ministries such as marriage seminars and publications.

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Free Newsletter & Marriage Tips

We send out our free newsletter once every week or two. Each issue includes a tip on improving your relationship and announcements of upcoming events and opportunities at Christway.

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PDFChristway Counseling Center Brochure



Top Twelve Commonly Identified Needs
49 Character Qualities of Christ
Spiritual Gift Survey
Past Classes & Speaking Engagements
Past Marriage Tips & E-Newsletters


Important Cultural Issues

Online FormDr. Norman Geisler’s website


Preparatory Information for Registered Attendees

PDFPrep Packet
PDFUnderstanding Spiritual Gifts


Still have questions? Contact us via e-mail or phone »

Upcoming Events

Three-Day Marriage Clinic™Three-Day
Marriage Clinic™

  • August 16-18 (Zoom)
  • September 13-15 (Zoom)
  • October 11-13 (Zoom)
  • November 8-10 (Zoom)
  • December 6-8 (Zoom)
  • January 10-12 (Zoom)
  • More Dates
  • Register online or by print

Monthly Marriage Enrichment GroupMonthly Marriage
Enrichment Group

  • Dates to be announced . . .
  • Register online or by print